
Albanycancode ( announced its two courses are being offered for summer 2020 : Front End Web Development and Python for Data Analytics.

Discusses issues relating to the downturn and recovery associated with Covid-19 shutdown.

Notice of webinars on company productivity and value stream mapping.

Information on self testing for Covid 19.

TVCOG limits public use of its facility during Coronavirus.

Identifies a free webcast on April 16, 2020 at 2:00PM on the subject of how small businesses can stay the course in the coming years.

Provides and introduction to a first class tech website from Silicon Valley ( and emerging affects of coronavirus

Introduction to the S.T.E.A.M. Garden on Central Avenue, a new incubator space.

Reg Harnish, CEO of Slingshot Cyberventures, WILL BE THE SPEAKER AT THE BIZLAB-CLARKSON LUNCHTIME PROGRAM ON MARCH 19, 2020. AnnMarie Lanesey’s talk will be rescheduled to May 21, 2020.

SUNY Polytechnic Institute collaborating with IBM in an Artificial Intelligence Hardware Center